The Power of Blogging Engagement Sessions

October 28, 2015
Melissa Merwin


Blogging with photographers while I planned my wedding has been an extraordinary experience. Seeing a wedding from the photographers’ perspective has taught me many things about what will happen on my big day. I’ve learned tips from all of you, and for that I’m grateful.

But one thing I was not prepared for was my engagement session. And guys: if I don’t know about what it’s like, imagine what it’s like for brides who DON’T talk to photographers every day.

Engagement sessions give you a chance to tell a different story of the couple; before we introduce the flowers, the favors, the dress and the tears. Not only are engagement session blogs helpful for building your business, but they can also help your bride to see the value in an engagement session—especially if it’s an add-on or an a’ la carte option.

Here’s what your bride might not know about engagement sessions, and why it’s so important for them to be featured on your blog:

  • She will connect with her fiancée. I can’t speak for everyone, but I always thought of the engagement session as just a way to get nice pictures for save the dates or craft items. I was SO wrong. Once we relaxed together, I realized how romantic it was to stand together and gaze at each other without the constant distraction of phones or emails. There is an intimacy in a photography session that you don’t get while you’re out on a date.
  • She will connect with YOU. Within a few minutes, we got into a rhythm with our photographers. We started to understand posing and light placement. We got to see our photographers in action. It helped us to understand how they achieve the style we love. We also got to know each other better, which is even more awesome. Having that comfort with the people behind the camera helped us both to relax.
  • She will get unexpected information. I don’t get professional pictures taken often. I don’t know my good side. I didn’t know that I have a habit of closing my eyes in pictures. I didn’t know how pretty my haircut looks in pictures. These are things that I LEARNED in my engagement session. Now I know, and what’s even better, my photographers know too.
  • She will see the love. That’s the thing about engagement sessions. They capture so much love. They capture so much fun. And at that critical point where the stress of the wedding decisions becomes almost too much to bear, she can look at those pictures and remember what it all is for and the magic that comes from captured moments.

They will help your brides and your prospective clients see exactly how wonderful it is to have those moments together. I would recommend it to anyone who is getting married.

If you’re not sure what to write or how to make an engagement session blog work for you, let me know! I would be thrilled to talk more about how you can incorporate engagement session blogs into your business.

Thank you to Sam & Dave, my wonderful photographers, for the experience and the images. I can’t wait for the wedding! 
