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Newborn/Maternity Form
Input form for creating a blog post about a portrait session for studio-based Newborn & Maternity photographers
Photographer's Full Name
Photography Business Name
Choose one: Newborn/Maternity/Baby/Family
Date of Session
Mostly for reference, may use month/day of week in post, but please use exact date of session here.
Session Location
Where did this session take place? (if it is in your studio, you can leave blank. If it was outside the studio, you can tell me where here)
Please enter Baby Name & Last Name in parathesis (for my reference only) for Newborn/Baby/Child sessions or Last name for Maternity (again, only for reference)
Please list Mom(s) & Dad(s) names
Title (mom, dad, grandparent) / First Names / Did they attend the session? (Yes/No)
Children & Ages
Please use this field for children & their ages. If this is for a Newborn session, list the siblings and ages. If it is a family session, list all children.
Name / Age / Did they attend session?
Other people?
Any other important people?
Town where family is from
The location you want to use in the keywords and/or title of the post
Hospital or Birth Center they delivered or are planning to deliver (For Newborn & Maternity)
Doula, 3-D ultrasound, etc...
Any other Newborn or Maternity services used that they loved and would recommend?
Vendors, favorite baby products on set...
Did you recommend any products to them? Did they mention a favorite baby gift or maternity product? Anything that we can link too?
Memorable Things about the Important People
Family story, their journey to becoming a parent, how old the children are, favorite things at this age, when she is due...
Your Personal Favorite Moment
What made you smile? Do not have to have picture to correlate, this may or may not make it into the actual wording of the blog. More to help me get a feel for how you felt about the shoot and the people. Even if you had a long day, please think of a positive moment.
Your Favorite Image (or 2-3) & Why
Again, may or may not make it into the actual wording of the blog post, I'm just trying to get a feel of the day and your participation. These should match the images you mark as your favorite when you upload them.
Closing Line Text
A place for you to put a thank you and/or short sentance to close the post. I will probably copy & paste this as is into the post.
Any keywords you would like to include, either in the main body text or in categories for SEO.
Anything Else?
Anything else you would like to add?