Effective Email Marketing Tips To Get More Leads & Sales

August 18, 2021
Blog Banner Effective Email Marketing Tips To Get More Leads & Sales

When an email pops up as a notification, it could be one of many things – promotional, newsletter, welcome email, new product alert, personal email, or it could be spam. So how do you ensure that your email ends up in your client’s inbox and not their spam folder? And when it does, how do you ensure that your client reads what you’ve sent? While there is no definite way that can guarantee this, an email marketing strategy could certainly help. 

Building an email list, automating scheduling, and A/B testing – a lot goes into creating a successful email marketing plan. And a lot more to ensure that it doesn’t end up being a hit-and-miss. Along with building a loyal following of subscribers who love checking out your content, one of the main goals of email marketing is to generate more sales or leads. So in today’s blog, we will take you through some email marketing tips that work.

Effective Email Marketing Tips & Practices

1. Build an Email List

Infographic stating lead magnets can help you get more leads and build an email list

The first thing you need while starting the process of creating an email marketing plan? A list of people you can send these emails to. Building an email list is, therefore, an essential building block of the entire process. And this step itself can be a time-consuming process. You can start running lead generation content such as giveaways and contests, anything that helps you gain an email in return for information or resources. Over time, these lead magnets can help you accumulate a list of email addresses of people who showed interest in your website. Lead magnets can be of substantial help to get more leads.

2. Building a Strategy

Now that you have a list of potential people to send the emails to, it is time to strategize for a marketing plan. This includes breaking down everything for clarity and careful analysis. Start by getting a clear picture of your ideal audience, then progress towards understanding their dynamics better. From deciding on the email frequency to email format – this is the stage to brainstorm all these aspects. So put on your research hat and start digging relevant data, stats, reports – anything that helps you get a retrospective of your industry.

3. Build a Campaign

Infographic stating an email marketing campaign determines the purpose and timing of your emails

Setting up an email marketing campaign is one of the most essential email marketing tips. The reason being, a campaign determines how your email marketing plan functions. And there are different types of email marketing campaigns. Welcome emails, invitation emails, newsletters, announcement emails, anniversary emails are just a few examples. Your campaign will specifically determine when your email will be going out to your customers and for what purpose. 

4. Decide on a Platform

Another critical step is to decide on a platform that you plan to use for your campaign. There are multiple platforms that help you better organize your marketing efforts and streamline them to yield fruitful results. Some of the popular choices include Mailchimp, HubSpot, Campaigner, MailerLite, SendinBlue, Drip, etc. These platforms can also help you automate and schedule your emails.

5. Pay Attention to Subject Lines

Infographic stating subject lines must convey accurate information about the content inside

Your subject lines have to be compelling and concise and should convey accurate information about the content inside. And even though you may want to give your audience the correct information, try to be mindful of the length of your subject line. Many of your potential customers might be viewing your emails on mobile phones, so try to keep the most important words towards the beginning of your subject line so that it is visible. In addition, try to eliminate filler words to drive attention to the main highlight.

6. Create Relevant Content

With every email you send, the goal is to increase your click-through rate (CTR). It is essential to keep that in mind before getting started. Start by adding an engaging preheader text, which is the text that displays under your subject line in the inbox. Then, begin with the copy. Address your reader, introduce the purpose of the email, and walk them through it as briefly as possible. But remember to make it engaging and interesting. End your copy with a call-to-action (CTA) button and link it to the page to which you want to drive traffic.

7. Segment Your Email List

Infographic stating segmentation can help you create a more personalized experience for your subscribers

Break down your email list into smaller segments based on different factors such as customers, non-customers, customer history, interests, preferences, etc. Everyone has different tastes when it comes to the kind of content they consume. Some people might be more interested in getting to know your brand stories, while others might be interested in premium services or top-tiered offers. So segmentation can help you create a more personalized experience for your subscribers.

8. Do A/B Testing

You could carefully create each email, but not everything that you send out will be a hit. In fact, there can be some things that might not work at all. And it is better to get to know what works and doesn’t work for your brand early on. The process of A/B testing allows you to send a set of emails to certain subscribers and another set to other subscribers, allowing you to gather data on which approach appears to generate the most response. 

9. Analyze Your Numbers

Infographic stating timely testing and monitoring data can help enhance your strategies

Simply collecting data can’t derive results. The implementation of suggested statistics and indicators is what can help you up your email marketing game. Thus, making the process of analyzing numbers all the more crucial. Timely testing and monitoring the result go hand in hand. Make small changes based on the variations and again analyze the outcome of these changes.

Further Read: Make Sure you are Open For Business With Content Marketing

Figuring out the right email marketing campaign for your business is a process and takes time. But once you start getting it right and learning more about your audience’s preferences, it can become a constant funnel of generating leads and sales. Study, strategize, test, analyze, and revamp – continue with these steps until you get it right. It is an effort worth making. We hope you found these email marketing tips helpful! If you have any tried and tested tips, tell us about them in the comments section.

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