Author Archive

Photography Blogging Tips: Giving Blog Time to Both Bride and Groom

Photography Blogging Tips: Giving Blog Time to Both Bride and Groom

September 7, 2017

Image Courtesy of 6:8 Photography As a wedding photographer, get to enjoy so many amazing weddings. But at the end of the day,…

SEO Basics for Photographers: What drives SEO in your Photography Blog?

SEO Basics for Photographers: What drives SEO in your Photography Blog?

August 25, 2017

One of the most discussed topics in marketing is Search Engine Optimization, or SEO. Over the past few years, SEO has become…

5 MORE Things to Stop Doing to Make Your Blog more Successful: Part 2

5 MORE Things to Stop Doing to Make Your Blog more Successful: Part 2

August 22, 2017

We were really encouraged by the feedback we received on our recent post, 5 Things to Stop Doing Now to Make Your Blog more Successful. It…

4 Unknown Benefits Blogging has for your Business

4 Unknown Benefits Blogging has for your Business

August 15, 2017

Marketing experts and small business owners agree that blogging is one of the best things you can do for your business. It…

“Photography Sales Secrets: Why SELL is not a Dirty Word”

“Photography Sales Secrets: Why SELL is not a Dirty Word”

August 15, 2017

There is grey area in between being an artist and being a creative entrepreneur. Nestled in the middle of that grey area…

Fight the Insanity: 4 Tips to Innovate Your Photography Business

Fight the Insanity: 4 Tips to Innovate Your Photography Business

August 4, 2017

Are your Photography Business Practices Insane? Everyone in business has heard the old saying: “The definition of insanity is doing the same…

Guides, eBooks and Infographics: Getting more mileage out of your Images

Guides, eBooks and Infographics: Getting more mileage out of your Images

August 1, 2017

As a photographer, you have a wonderful advantage when it comes to marketing. You already have an amazing inventory of stunning images…

5 Things to Stop Doing Now to Make Your Blog more Successful

5 Things to Stop Doing Now to Make Your Blog more Successful

July 28, 2017

It seems like the internet is filled with checklists of things that you should be doing. Five ways to lose weight. Six things…