Author Archive

What Is Evergreen Content, Anyway? | Blogging advice for Photographers

What Is Evergreen Content, Anyway? | Blogging advice for Photographers

August 29, 2016

If I went to look at your blog right now, what would I find? Most photographers’ blogs are packed to the brim…

What Am I Supposed To Write About? Writing Advice for Photographers

What Am I Supposed To Write About? Writing Advice for Photographers

August 1, 2016

Writing Advice for Photographers from Stephanie Ostermann In working with photographers to communicate more effectively with their clients,  what they often want…

Three Reasons You Don’t Blog (And Why They’re Wrong)

Three Reasons You Don’t Blog (And Why They’re Wrong)

June 27, 2016

We at Fotoskribe are so fortunate to pair talented writers with amazing photographers. Today, please allow us to introduce our newest collaborator,…